My Thinking Style and Learning

According to my personal thinking style assessment I think concrete sequentially, concrete abstractly, abstract randomly, and abstract sequentially in equal measure. I suppose this is accurate, but it doesn't really explain how my thinking works precisely. So how do I think? My mind in it's default state is extremely rigid and analytical. Even during idle conversation my mind is constantly labeling, classifying, and ultimately evaluating the validity of each statement and ordering it into a hierarchy of relative importance. This tendency can be extremely annoying!

Over the years I have tried to bring my mind into a more balanced state. It is through these efforts that I have gone from an almost completely concrete sequential thinking style to a more balanced multi-modal state. However, it is still a work in progress.

In addition to my extremely concrete sequential thinking I was also very fixed in my mindset. I thought of the world in very pessimistic terms and as a result I had little motivation to improve myself. In recent years this has given way to a much more optimistic world view where I embrace the present and look forward to the future. Like my thinking style this is a work in progress.

It is my hope that the social programming model at DBC will not only help me expand my understanding of programming, but also give me a chance to continue my efforts at being positive and maintaining a balanced thinking process that considers logic, experience, compassion, and theory in equal measure.